2000 – the Year of the Dragon

You are eccentric and your life complex.  You have a very passionate nature and abundant health.  Marry a Monkey or a Rat late in life.  Avoid the Dog.

Lots of good Dragon info at the Year 2000 Golden Dragon year site

Also, from http://chinese.astrology.com/dragon.html

Slay this Dragon? Never. The Dragon is one of the most powerful signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Lucky as well, Dragons are giving, intelligent and tenacious, know exactly what they want and are determined to get it. Further, they can easily influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. As if all this wasn't enough, Lady Love is the Dragon's best friend! The rest of the Dragon's friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say, and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor.

It's ego that can get in the Dragon's way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for initiating projects and keeping the troops motivated. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way! As luck would have it, Dragons are likely to achieve considerable material wealth during their lifetime, although they aren't motivated by pursuit of the almighty dollar. Rather, they stick to their guns, even when they're firing blanks. That said, Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. And power it must be, for a weakened Dragon is a sad sack, a creature which flails about and refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace. Question authority? That's our Dragon!

The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better to give orders and be king of the hill. They are good leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their life to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile.